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The French Revolution




Famous believe statement of Marie Antoinette – “Let them eat cake”




è This was believed to have been in response to the widespread starvation experienced by many French citizens in the early stages of the revolution.




The French Revolution – origins:







Storming of the Bastille



          The storming of the Bastille was one of the first main acts of the French Revolution that would in the end bring an end to the French Monarchy and lead to the creation of a Republic. For more information follow the links provided below:






Image was found from the link




The Last King and Queen of France



          The last King and Queen of France were Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette. The last monarchs were very young when they were given the crown and were incredibly unprepared for the demands and needs of the people. For more information see the link below:




- - Marie Antoinette.



- - Louis XVI (16th)




·        You may also be interested in seeing the Hollywood adaptation of Mary Antoinette, see the trailer through the link below






The Palace of Versailles



          The palace of Versailles was a true example of the wealth and power of the French thrown. It was the home of Marie Antoinette, King Louis XVI and their children until the fall of the monarchy.




- : photo was found on this website.



The Guillotine



          The guillotine became a symbol of the revolution having put an end to lives of many, including the Last King and Queen of France. Follow the link below for more information.







Some believe the French were influenced by the American Revolution which led to the Americans freedom from the control of Great Britain. The link below also provides an interesting comparison between the American Revolution and the French Revolution. Both revolutions ended with the formation of republics.



