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The American Revolution




Did you know……?




The French crown gave aid to the American cause for Independence in hopes that it would also spark a rebellion amongst their former French citizens in Canada.






The website below is a useful tool if one wants to learn more about the days of the thirteen colonies prior to the beginning of the Revolution. There was 180 years worth of English influence prior to the rebellion and the website below provides some fun tips to help increase your knowledge:








The American war for Independence



          After many years of fighting for England the thirteen colonies became frustrated with the treatment bestowed upon them by the crown. The Term “No Taxation without Representation” was then developed and would become the basis behind the reasons for the American Revolution. For more information, see the link below:









- - The Boston Tea Party









The link below shows a video of an example of firing a real musket during the American Revolution. The video shows how slow weapons were in the past.







The Hollywood movie ‘The Patriot’ is a interesting example of the hardships of those who fought in the American Revolution. One must keep in mind that it is told from the American point of view and is merely for entertainment. The link below leads to the Youtube trailer:







The Loyalists



          Loyalists were those who remained Loyal to the British Crown during and after the American Revolution. These citizens were persecuted for not supporting the revolution and were forced to flee to Canada in order to survive intense punishment from their own neighbors. For more information see the link below:






The final Battles of the revolution.



          During the final months of the revolution the result of the final battles revealed that Great Britain would no longer be able to keep control over the thirteen colonies. For more information, see the link below:



- website provides visitors with a list of famous Revolution battles, each battle is a link that leads to valuable information.



- The Battle of Yorktown. Provides casualty numbers from both sides, the number of people who were captured and the size of the fighting force for both the English and the American armies.



Show pictures and timeline below the various links